Saturday 2 May 2009

Discipline 2009/04/30

[13:03] Tarl Field: Okay for a simple reason i hold the classes in a easy going way.,.. smiles
[13:03] Tarl Field: if you have questions dont be afraid to ask

[13:04] Tarl Field: Last class was about dominans
[13:04] Tarl Field: now dominance and discipline has some diffrences but they are related in some ways
[13:05] Tarl Field: Hi Talon
[13:05] Tarl Field: discipline is the more correcting side of bdsm.
[13:05] Talon Tunwarm: hello Sir Tarl'

[13:05] Tarl Field: Now discipline should be used to help the submissive to learn when they make mistakes
[13:06] Tarl Field: What are the risk with using discipline without a mistake being done?

[13:07] Tarl Field: One and the biggest is that the submissive can be confused and also think that she or he has failed their dom

[13:09] Tarl Field: Which is a good way of loosing and destroying a sub
[13:09] Talon Tunwarm: sub would need to know whats discipline and whats play

[13:09] Tarl Field: True Talon
[13:09] Ellyssia Sexton: Greetings Master

[13:10] Tarl Field: A tip is that discipline should only be used to train them and make sure they need the correction

[13:10] Tarl Field: Now it sounds like discipline is easy to grasp and it is and also not
[13:11] Tarl Field: The easy part is that you most use it to correct the subs behavior by spanking, whips or isolation

[13:11] Tarl Field: How ever here is where the hard part comes in
[13:11] Talon Tunwarm shakes at the word isolation
[13:11] Tarl Field: If a new sub is under training
[13:12] Tarl Field: And makes one mistake during a task thats new to her.

[13:12] Tarl Field: Any ideas for a suitable punichment or action to deal with it?
[13:13] Bastet Lyon raises her hand
[13:14] Tarl Field: Bastet
[13:14] Bastet Lyon: my sl partner my dom will withdraw from me, he wont give me any attention at all. i hate that.
[13:14] Talon Tunwarm: that is the worst
[13:14] Bastet Lyon: its physically painless but gets the point across
[13:14] Tarl Field: Thats not a good way of handeling it in my eyes
[13:15] Eddison Sizemore: No point in issuing a punishment if you don''t first explain exactly what they did wrong
[13:15] Tarl Field: And since this is her first task i would recommend a light spanking and a firm correction and walking her through how to do the task
[13:16] Talon Tunwarm: may like the spanking.......?
[13:16] Tarl Field: she might but then i would make sure the spanking would be less then pleasurable

[13:18] Tarl Field: Now if you have two subs doing the same task and the other is a experience sub should i punish the more experienced hard then the new sub?

[13:18] Talon Tunwarm: yes?
[13:18] Tarl Field: any other comments?
[13:19] Tarl Field: remember how i would deal with the new sub...smiles

[13:20] Tarl Field: The more experienced sub would recive a more firm spanking/whipping
[13:20] Sammi Loire: mmmm
[13:20] Sammi Loire: agrees
[13:20] Talon Tunwarm: let the new sub teach? kind of degrading punishment for the experince and lets the new sub reteach him/her self

[13:20] Tarl Field: Maybe even a time tied and on display with a note of her error
[13:20] Tarl Field: Talon i like that idea... grins
[13:20] Talon Tunwarm smiles
[13:21] Tarl Field: A mental correction usually hits more home then force...
[13:21] Sammi Loire: yes
[13:21] Tarl Field: As most subs hate to fail in their tasks
[13:22] Titler Of Doom: has not been set, Ellyssia Sexton will be stuck with the current title for a while longer.
[13:22] Tarl Field: Okay any questions so far?
[13:24] Tarl Field: Okay then
[13:24] Tarl Field: Let see it in practical way
[13:24] Tarl Field: scen is as follows
[13:25] Sammi Loire: listens carefully
[13:25] Tarl Field: A experienced sub is serving a visitng dom a cup of coffe and as a added difficult level i have not told her how the dom wants his coffe. And i usually have my coffe black

[13:26] Tarl Field: And she enters the room and remember she forgot to bring the cream with her into the room on the tray
[13:27] Tarl Field: She solves the situation by excusing the lack of cream with that she dropped the cream can in the kitchen
[13:27] Sammi Loire: sniggers
[13:27] Tarl Field: Now
[13:27] Sammi Loire: :)
[13:27] Tarl Field: What is a good way of handle this situation?
[13:27] Talon Tunwarm: sub shouldnt lie to excuse them self
[13:27] Tarl Field: Both a submissive angle and a dom angle please
[13:28] Tarl Field: Agree Talon
[13:28] Sammi Loire: the sub shudnt tell lies
[13:28] Talon Tunwarm: this sub, would admit his fault as soon as possible
[13:28] Tarl Field: How ever i cant know that untill i check the kitchen.
[13:28] Sammi Loire: shud ask to go get the cream?
[13:29] Sammi Loire: or if the Dom neededit?
[13:29] Tarl Field: Your both rights
[13:29] Eddison Sizemore: an experienced sub would have asked the visitor before hand on how it should be served
[13:29] Tarl Field: And as i dont know if its true or not i will chooce to belive her correct?
[13:29] Lilystarre Darkstone whispers, agreeing with Talon** this girl would have admitted her error and ask Your permission to retrieve the missing cream,Sir
[13:29] Tarl Field: thank you eddison
[13:29] Sammi Loire: well maybe not allowed to talk tothe Dom
[13:30] Tarl Field: sammi good point
[13:30] Sammi Loire: so cant ask
[13:30] Sammi Loire: smiles
[13:30] Tarl Field: But even a sub can ask permission to check how a visitor wants their coffe..
[13:30] Talon Tunwarm: ask to speak?
[13:31] Tarl Field: If i restrict her to much she cant serve me the correct way
[13:31] Lilystarre Darkstone listens quietly
[13:32] Tarl Field: To use discipline you need to give the subs the tools to complete the task, if you make it impossible the sub will finally give up.
[13:32] Sammi Loire: mmm true

[13:33] Tarl Field: And if the sub is gagged a good way is to set down the tray and slowly pull out of the room and try and find a new package of cream as the can is broken
[13:33] Talon Tunwarm: or get the can out of the frig, since you never dropped it......
[13:34] Sammi Loire: giggles
[13:34] Tarl Field: How ever if i after the visit finds that the girl has lied to me to hide her mistake i would have punished her more severly then if she had said she dropped the can and did not tell me
[13:34] Tarl Field: Thats also a way... grins
[13:34] Lilystarre Darkstone nods softly
[13:34] Talon Tunwarm smiles
[13:34] Sammi Loire: mmmm
[13:34] Tarl Field: But in any case she is busted for lieing
[13:34] Tarl Field: Dont you agree
[13:35] Talon Tunwarm: yes Sir Tarl
[13:35] Sammi Loire: i never lie
[13:35] Tarl Field: I am sure you dont sammi
[13:35] Sammi Loire: :)
[13:35] Tarl Field: But this is a simple example
[13:35] Tarl Field: Any questions so far?
[13:36] Lilystarre Darkstone whispers* yes Sir -- the sub might be in trouble for forgetting the cream, but she compounded her error by lieing, so yes,, a more severe punishment would be at Hand
[13:36] Tarl Field: so what can you as a sub learn from this example
[13:36] Tarl Field: One admit you forgot the cream
[13:36] Tarl Field: or lie and fail your dom even more?
[13:36] Sammi Loire: dont lie
[13:37] Sammi Loire: think ahead
[13:37] Talon Tunwarm: better to correct the mistake than tring to cover it up...this boy thinks
[13:37] Tarl Field: Okay lets turn it around.
[13:37] Tarl Field: Just for the fun of it
[13:37] Lilystarre Darkstone: nods softly* admit an error and don't hide the facts with untruths
[13:38] Sammi Loire: looks forward to being a Dom
[13:38] Tarl Field: How would the situation unfold if i as the dom promised to bring home some items on my way home from work as the sub was restrained in a way that she could not drive and she said she dropped the can to cover up for her doms mistake

[13:39] Talon Tunwarm looks puzzled
[13:39] Sammi Loire: cant the Dom just say he's out of cream?
[13:39] Tarl Field: True
[13:40] Tarl Field: And talon for the sake of what i said if i have the sub wearing leg irons and wrist shackles connected to a belt with chains long enough so she can clean the house and so on
[13:40] Tarl Field: It would be a bit hard for her to go out and get cream right?
[13:41] Sammi Loire: yes
[13:41] Sammi Loire: impossible
[13:41] Tarl Field: so the second situation is the sub lies to cover that i was out of cream.
[13:41] Lilystarre Darkstone: yes Sir,,,
[13:41] Talon Tunwarm: this boy would not say" sorry, but master forgot the cream"
[13:41] Tarl Field: what should i punish her for?
[13:42] Tarl Field: If any punishment should be given?
[13:42] Lilystarre Darkstone: for standing up to defend You,embarrassing You before Your Friend,Sir
[13:43] Sammi Loire: well she wud say she dropped it
[13:43] Talon Tunwarm: still lieing
[13:43] Sammi Loire: i mean she wudnt include the dom
[13:43] Lilystarre Darkstone: this girl believes that an explanation, if any, should be given by You,the Dom,Sir
[13:43] Tarl Field: I should punish her for lieing but then again she did it to try and cover for the household not having cream at home
[13:44] Sammi Loire: i dont think she wud have to lie
[13:44] Tarl Field: now i shown two situations and none of them are black and white when it comes to discipline
[13:44] Sammi Loire: no Sir
[13:45] Tarl Field: which is my point when and if you should apply it is very much up to you and the dom
[13:45] Tarl Field: Me personal i would punish her for lieing
[13:45] Tarl Field: even if it was to cover for me
[13:45] Sammi Loire: yes
[13:45] Sammi Loire: shudnt lie
[13:45] Talon Tunwarm: agree
[13:46] Sammi Loire: its the easy path
[13:46] Tarl Field: I would rather have her saying that she is sorry for not bringing the cream as we were out of it
[13:46] Sammi Loire: mmmm
[13:46] Tarl Field: And then she could ask if milk would be a accepted subtitute
[13:46] Talon Tunwarm: admit it as soon as possible
[13:46] Tarl Field: if it was wished
[13:48] Tarl Field: But as with everything trust and safety comes before anything
[13:48] Sammi Loire: yes :)
[13:48] Lilystarre Darkstone: nods softly* yes Sir
[13:49] Tarl Field: what i am saying every situation has a wrong and a right way and usually they dont alwasy look the same depending if your the sub or the dom
[13:49] Sammi Loire: thats true Sir
[13:49] Sammi Loire: but somethings r always wrong
[13:50] Tarl Field: very true
[13:50] Tarl Field: lies destroy the trust
[13:50] Tarl Field: And without trust you have nothing
[13:50] Sammi Loire: nods
[13:51] Talon Tunwarm: agree, even if the sub is lieing to someone else
[13:51] Sammi Loire: cos not life or death anyway
[13:51] Sammi Loire: just cream
[13:51] Tarl Field: But remember to always be true and if for some reason you cant finish the task if its something thats missing or the task is to hard try your best and if say cream is missing work around it and offer something in its place
[13:52] Tarl Field: IN this example yes
[13:52] Lilystarre Darkstone: be creative, in other words,,soft laugh
[13:53] Tarl Field: True lily
[13:53] Tarl Field: Any questions
[13:54] Lilystarre Darkstone: she would have made as light of it as she could, maybe joking that "Oour cow was ill" ,,,and laugh it off,while working around the missing cream
[13:54] Talon Tunwarm: how about 2 subs?
[13:54] Tarl Field: Also a way to handle it
[13:54] Tarl Field: hmmm
[13:55] Tarl Field: Now thats a answer i dont know how to give talon since i would guess the more dominant sub would take control but that would make that sub a switch
[13:55] Talon Tunwarm: punishment for a sub not telling on the other?
[13:56] Talon Tunwarm: or head sub
[13:56] Sammi Loire: wud it Sir?
[13:56] Tarl Field: hmmmm
[13:56] Sammi Loire: thought a switch was different
[13:56] Talon Tunwarm: only the dom can give punishment...right?
[13:56] Sammi Loire: what is a switch Sir?

[13:57] Tarl Field: if you have a more experienced sub and a new sub i would trust the older sub to help the new to learn faster and alos accept the new subs punishment as her own as well
[13:57] Sammi Loire: wow
[13:57] Tarl Field: sammi a switch is a person that is both dominant and submissive depending on their mood and needs
[13:57] Sammi Loire: ah ty Sir
[13:58] Tarl Field: And with that i think is a good idea to wrap this class up... smiles

[13:58] Talon Tunwarm: one subs mistake would fall on both subs?
[13:58] Sammi Loire: yes i agree with that
[13:59] Tarl Field: Talon if i put the more experienced one in charge of the new girls training yes
[13:59] Talon Tunwarm: okay, thank You Sir Tarl
[13:59] Tarl Field: And thank you for coming
[14:00] Sammi Loire: ty Sir
[14:00] Ellyssia Sexton: ty Sir
[14:00] Sammi Loire: enjoyed it
[14:00] Tarl Field: Pleasure to have you hear
[14:00] Tarl Field: here
[14:00] Talon Tunwarm: thank You Sir Tarl for the class

[14:00] Sammi Loire: like scenarios
[14:00] Lilystarre Darkstone whispers* thank You,Tarl Sir

[14:01] Lilystarre Darkstone accepted your inventory offer.
[14:01] Tarl Field: your welcome

[14:02] Talon Tunwarm looks over at Sammi and hands Her his leash with a smile

[14:04] Sammi Loire: lol
[14:04] Sammi Loire: hhahahaahah

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